Heather Bennett logo
Gallery roll over Resume link for Heather Bennett website. Link to press written about the work of Heather Bennett. Link to the artist Heather Bennett's contact information.
Second navigation bar for gallery section of H. Bennett's website at credits. Production credits in lower navigation bar.
Background image for production credits page for "The Empire Trilogy" showing notes from working on the pieces.

James Schwartz (Locks & Hocks and Babe)
Lynn Maffessoli (Holly Holy)

Leading ladies:
Eri Ikezi (Holly Holy)
Laura Beard (Locks & Hocks)
Heather Bennett (Babe)
Bourboise (Babe)

Production assistance:
Juliann Ritonya (also some documentation on “Babe”)
Eric Johnson
Linda Bennett
Laura Beard

Music by:
Joseph Raglani- more about Joseph
Tracks mastered by:
Greg Davis

Roisin Brennen (“Holly Holy”)
Laura Beard and Heather Bennett (“Locks & Hocks”)

Editing assistance:
Rick Garcia

Projection and syncing:
Drazen Pantic, Open-Player

Book production and printing:
Richard Duardo, Modern Multiples
Tony Clough, Modern Multiples
Chris Ludwig, Coast Index (for box)

Album lathe cut:
John Tamm-Buckle

The Empire Trilogy Book Design and text:
Heather Bennett

The EmpireTrilogy